What We Do
The Marion County Commission manages all aspects of county government not assigned by law to other elected officials. The County Commission is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of all buildings, roads, bridges, and equipment of the county. The Commission appoints Marion County residents to serve on local service boards. One of the Commissioners’ most important functions is budgetary. Budgets prepared for each of the various county offices must be approved by the Commission. It is the only body that can make decisions on behalf of all county governments. Other elected county officeholders, who are independently elected throughout the county, have authority in their functional areas. The other officers of the county are independently elected from the entire county.
David Lomax – Presiding Commissioner
100 S. Main St., Ste. 107
Palmyra, Missouri 63461
Phone: 573-248-4667
Larry Welch – Eastern District Associate Commissioner
100 S. Main St., Ste. 107
Palmyra, Missouri 63461
Phone: 573-248-4020
Lacey Miller – Western District Associate Commissioner
100 S. Main St., Ste. 107
Palmyra, Missouri 63461
Phone: 573-795-9069
The Marion County Commission meets every Monday morning from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.