What We Do

The Marion County Public Administrator’s office is the guardian and/or conservator for individuals unable to care for themselves or their property.

Guardianship is a legal process whereby one individual is appointed by a probate court to have the authority and responsibility for the personal affairs of another individual who has been adjudged incapacitated.

The definition of an incapacitated person is a person who is unable due to any physical or mental condition to receive and evaluate information or to communicate decisions to such an extent that he is unable to provide himself with food, clothing, shelter, safety, or other care to such an extent that physical injury, illness or disease is likely to occur.

According to Missouri statutory law, a guardian’s duties include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Assure the Ward lives in the best and least restrictive environment.
  2. Assure that the Ward receives needed medical care and other services.
  3. Promote and protect the care, comfort, safety, health, and welfare of the Ward.
  4. Available 24/7 to provide the required consent needed on behalf of the Ward.

Conservatorship is a legal process similar to Guardianship; however, it deals only with the financial affairs of an individual who has been adjudged incapacitated. The Conservator has the authority to take charge of and manage the individual’s property and money.

A person may be both Guardian and Conservator for an individual who is adjudged incapacitated.

The Public Administrator also works with many Social Services, Healthcare, and Government agencies as an advocate to enhance the quality of life for the Wards in our care.


Wendy Howe
Wendy W. Howe
906 Broadway, Room 104
Hannibal, Missouri  63401

Phone: 573-221-9149
Fax: 573-221-2645

Email Wendy
Email Deputy Lori Butts
Email Administrative Assistant Justina Smith

Business Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Useful Links

Veteran’s Administration
Social Security Administration
MO Department of Health and Senior Services
MO Association of Public Administrators
MO Department of Mental Health
MO Department of Social Services
Hannibal Regional Office Division of Developmental Disabilities
Marion County Services for the Developmentally Disabled
Marion County Health Department
Marion County Emergency Services